We Moved...

It's been about a month since we got the call that the sellers moved out (2 weeks early) of the house we were buying. It was exciting, but also there was the "oh shit" moment, realizing that we weren't ready to move!

We had the same realization about 4 months earlier when a realtor approached us about selling our condo. Thankfully my parents took us in and we were on our way to a fresh start, in a new house with some land and room to work and grow our businesses. 

This is the view from the back of our 7 acres to the back of the house and pole barn.

This is the view from the back of our 7 acres to the back of the house and pole barn.

The house needs a little work...

Some wallpaper needs to come down...

Some wallpaper needs to come down...

Some rooms need to be painted...

Some rooms need to be painted...

But first, the garden needs to be tilled.

But first, the garden needs to be tilled.

And our workspaces needed to be set up. That was priority #1. So we are set up and will work on other projects as we can. Some things like prepping the garden can't wait, but stripping walllpaper can be done a rainy day. 

I did take some time to trim and smell one of the lilacs today.

I did take some time to trim and smell one of the lilacs today.

Have a wonderful weekend!

xoxo, Cathy

4 Reasons I'm So Glad I Stopped Coloring My Hair

There have been some awesome comments on my last hair post "5 Reasons I Stopped Coloring My Hair." See that post HERE. That post was in April 2014, so I'm waaaay overdue for an update! 

As you can see, my hair has grown a LOT in the last 6 months. And I'm considering a shorter cut. I probably just need a trim. But longer thick hair takes soooo long to dry and style. 

The photos are from: May 2014, September 2014, and the last two are today January 20, 2015.

On to the 4 Reasons I'm So Glad I Stopped Coloring My Hair.

1. Saved hundreds of dollars and several hours of time. It may not seem like much, but over the long run it does add up.

2. Freedom! Yes, I feel free... No longer a slave to the bottle, worrying because my roots are already showing. When I started coloring my hair, it was for fun or just to get sun-kissed highlights. When I HAD to color my hair to cover gray roots, it wasn't fun anymore.

3. A sense of community. I've discovered that there are a lot of women doing or have done the same thing! There have been so many supportive comments on my blog, as well as re-pins and likes on Pinterest. 

4. Sparkles. Yes, SPARKLES! In the right sunlight, my white hair is like tinsel.  I love anything that sparkles!

There's still quite a bit of brown in my hair. In certain angles and depending on how I part my hair, you can see streaks of brown. The further back on my scalp, more brown, less gray. Right now I have the "Halo" but eventually it will be all white.

So now the question is... to cut or not to cut! I think I'll get a trim and see how I feel.

xoxo, Cathy

Caring for your White Hair

Custom Running Jewelry

I want to show off a couple custom running jewelry orders and the new Uppercase Typewriter font.

This is a simple 1/2" charm stamped RUN. 

A runner in Pennsylvania designed her own charm bracelet, and I love how it turned out! She can add more charms or stones as she completes more runs or reaches other life milestones!

You can customize the bracelet with names, initials, dates, or birthstones. Both of these pieces of jewelry are in my Etsy shop.


xoxo, Cathy